NON PHARMACOLOGICAL THERAPY MNT Glycemic Index Dietary supplements Weight measurements Physical Activity Psychological assessment Immunizations 2.GLYCEMIC INDEX " The Glycemic index of a carbohydrate containing food is determined by comparing the glucose excursions after consuming 30g of test food with glucose excursions after consuming 50g of reference food (white bread) " Glycemic Index= Blood glucose area under the curve (3hr) for test food / Blood glucose area under the curve (3hr) for reference food Low glycemic index foods have value of 53 or less and include many fruits, vegetables, grainy breads, legumes, etc. High glycemic index foods have value of 70 or greater and include baked potatoes, white bread, etc. 3.DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS Patients may seek and use dietary supplements in the treatment of diabetes. Remember, despite the popular notion, there is no "diabetes specific diet". Data from randomized controlled trials seem to support the efficacy of Coc...