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PNEUMONIA- Its Etiology, Pathophysiology, Classification and Severity Assessment Method!

 PNEUMONIA Definition: "Pneumonia is an infection of pulmonary parenchyma". (Harrison)                                                    OR "Pneumonia is defined as an acute respiratory illness associated with recently developed radiological pulmonary shadowing which may be segmental, lobar or multilobar". (Davidson) Etiology: Microorganisms gain excess to the lower respiratory tract in several ways: Aspiration from the oropharynx (most common). Inhalation of contaminated droplets. Hematogenous spread. Contiguous extension. Pathophysiology of Pneumonia: Pneumonia results from proliferation of microbial pathogens at the alveolar level and the hosts response to these microorganisms.  Defensive Mechanisms against Pneumonia: The defensive mechanism against pneumonia involve: Branching architecture of tracheobronchial tree. Muco-ciliary clearance. Local...

Drug-Induced Nephrotoxicity!

 DRUG-INDUCED NEPHROTOXICITY Drug-Induced Nephrotoxicity is increasingly recognized as a significant contributor to kidney disease including Acute Kidney Injury (KI) and chronic kidney disease (CKD). Nephrotoxicity has a wide spectrum, reflecting damage to different nephron segments based upon individual drug-mechanisms. 1. ACE-INHIBITORS: ACE-Inhibitors are frequently associated with Proteinuria and Renal Insufficiency. The prevalence of Proteinuria in Captopril treated patient is estimated to be 1%. The risk of Renal Insufficiency is greater with long-acting ACE Inhibitors such as Lisinopril or Enalapril than with Captopril. Immune complex glomerulopathy is a major contribute to ACE Inhibitor nephrotoxicity. Predisposing factors include: Hyponatremia Diuretic therapy Pre-existing renal impairment Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) Diabetes Mellitus Recovery of renal function usually follows ACE-Inhibitor discontinuation. 2. CEPHLOSPORIN: The cephalosporin antibiotics are capable of...

Management of Medical Emergency-Poisoning!

MEDICAL EMERGENCY- POISONING Management of the poisoned patient involves procedures designed to prevent the absorption, minimize the toxicity, and hasten the elimination to the suspected toxin. The prompt employment of appropriate emergency management procedures often can prevent unnecessary morbidity and mortality. A Regional Poison Center is a practitioner's best source of definitive treatment information and should be consulted in all poisonings, regardless of the apparent simplicity of the case. In all cases, every attempt should be made to accurately identify the toxin, estimate the quantity involved, and determine the time that has passed since the exposure. These data, plus patient-specific parameters such as age, weight, sex, and underlying medical condition or drug-use will assist the person and the Regional Poison Center in designing an appropriate therapeutic plan for the patient. POISONING BY TOPICAL EXPOSURES: Immediately irrigate affected areas with a copious amount...

Medical Emergency- Cardiac Arrest and Basic Life Support (BLS)!

  MEDICAL EMERGENCY- CARDIAC ARREST AND BASIC LIFE SUPPORT Definition: " Cardiac Arrest is a medical emergency requiring a systematic approach". Early recognition must be followed by prompt, effective application of Basic Life Support (BLS) techniques to sustain the patient until Advanced Life Support (ALS) capabilities are available. Management: The management of Cardiac Arrest is a 4-step approach: Recognition and Assessment BLS Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) Post-resuscitation Care 1. RECOGNITION AND ASSESMENT Verify that the respiration and circulation have ceased: Loss of consciousness Loss of functional ventilation (respiratory arrest or inadequate respiratory effort) Loss of functional perfusion (No pulse). 2. BASIC LIFE SUUPORT (BLS) The goal in cardiac arrest is the restoration of spontaneous circulation (ROSC). The first step towards achieving this ROSC goal is prompt initiation of BLS, where the goal is to rapidly and effectively perfuse the tissues wi...

Management of Medical Emergency-Anaphylaxis!

  MEDICAL EMERGENCY- ANAPHYLAXIS Definition: " Anaphylaxis is a systemic response to exposure to an allergen caused by rapid, IgE-mediatd release of histamine and other mediators from tissue mast cells and circulating basophils". Symptoms: Symptoms usually occur within a few seconds or minutes of exposure but can be delayed or recur many hours after apparent resolution (exposure). Causes: Upper airway obstruction Cardiovascular collapse are the most common causes of death in anaphylaxis. Treatment: The treatment of anaphylaxis is directed towards its three Major Presentations : Skin Manifestations: Angioedema, Urticaria Respiratory distress: Wheezing, Stridor, Dyspnea from laryngeal edema, laryngospasm and bronchospasm Hypotension All specific treatment measures should be accompanied by basic resuscitative measures including clear airway, supplemented oxygen and IV access. General Therapy and Skin Manifestations: 1. Epinephrine HCl, IM or SC, 0.3-0.5mg ; may repeat q(every)...