GASTROINTESTINAL DECONTAMINATION AFTER POISONING GI-decontamination can be achieved by the administration of: Activated Charcoal Gastric Lavage Ipecac-induced Emesis Whole-Bowel Irrigation Indication for GI-decontamination: Ingestion of a known toxic dose Ingestion of an unknown dose of a known toxic substance Ingestion of a substance of known toxicity * For all methods of GI-decontamination, the value of the procedure diminishes with time. Some investigators now question the usefulness of gastric lavage, or ipecac-induced emesis more than 1 hr after ingestion.* *In general, activated charcoal is the most useful agent for preventing absorption of ingested toxic substance. Other methods may be considered if the ingested substance is not adsorbed by activated charcoal or if circumstances do not permit its prompt administration. * 1.Activated Charcoal: Activated charcoal is a non-specific absorbent that binds unabsorbed toxins within the GIT. Activated charcoal ...