ASTHMA Definition: According to WHO: "It is a disease characterized by recurring attacks of breathlessness and wheezing which vary in frequency according to the nature of allergen and these symptoms vary from hour to hour or day to day". According to Principle & Practice of Medicines by Davidson: "It is chronic inflammatory disorder of airways associated with airway hyper-responsiveness that leads to recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness or coughing particularly at night or early in the morning". Etiology: Hyperresponsiveness -exaggerated response of airway to any non-specific stimulus which results in airway obstruction. Broncho-constriction- Breathlessness or spasm due to construction of bronchioles in airway stimulus. Allergens: Industrial chemicals such as paints, hairsprays or resins Drugs such as NSAIDs, Beta-blockers Food products such as dairy products, fish, etc. Environmental pollutants such as cigarette, smoke Industrial triggers such as w...